If you want to hide round-robin stats until it is finished, check the following settings:

Go to Menu > Manage > Stats/Standings > Stats/Standing Grouping.

Make sure the Public Display is UNCHECKED.

Make sure the Set as Public when Round-Robin is finished is checked.

*** order of columns may vary.

***Do this for both Teams and Players if it applies.

Scoresheet and Chart

If you also want the scoresheets/chart points to be hidden until the round-robin is finished (so people don't open each scoresheet one by one and count or count the points on the Chart)

Go to Menu > Manage > Bracket/Round-Robin > Round-Robin.

Select the round-robin,

Pencil to edit,

Go to section called Public visibility and display options:

Make sure the Score and Match cards/Scoresheets public check box is UNCHECKED!