Here is an example of a league that wants to bring the 6 tops teams of a league division into a league final bracket.

Under Brackets, I created a single elimination 8. (Tournament tool has to be turned on by CompuSport to be used in your league, there is an additional cost)

I created the bracket by associating it to the division it belongs with. This way the system knows what teams.

Using the Fill Up Brackets & RRB (Tool to shuffle the teams into the bracket)

  1. I choose the division I want to shuffle. (only shuffle 1 at a time if you don't want them to be mixed up together)
  2. I tell the system I want to shuffle High vs Low (If this is what you want) In this situation, high vs low will give the high ranked team the byes. 6 teams going into a single 8 elimination.
  3. I tell the system I want to seed them by the Rank information (Make sure they are properly ranked based on the Stat Model Editor Ranking parameters)
  4. Review the ranking
  5. Uncheck the two bottoms teams.
  6. Click on Try Shuffle,
  1. Review the bracket lay out to make sure the seeding is how you wanted it.
  1. If it's good, click on Accept Results.

If you want the two bottom teams to play a match against each other, but it's not in the bracket. You can create individual matches in the calendar by clicking the plus. This will want to create matches in the league division.

You can arrange to have stats go together if necessary by creating a Stats/Standing Grouping group.