If you notice that your player's average is wrong.

Here are some hints/tools to help you find the problem.

In this scenario, the league uses past history on CompuSport to calculate towards the average.

When you have players with the wrong handicap, you can check under 

Menu > Statistics/Standings > Singles.

Select the league.

Select the player and click on Average Detail.

This pulls up an Excel spreadsheet with the stats used for the player's average.

In the first example, you can see that the system is only using this year's stats for average.

Which either tells me, my settings are wrong, or player is a duplicate and the system isn't picking up the past history.

To see if the settings are wrong, select a few other players and check to see if they have more history for the average calculation.

In this example, this is another player, you can see that the system is using history from the year before. Which confirms that the settings are correct.

So that's when we can tell, the settings are right, which means, probably a duplicate.

Here is how to confirm if you have a duplicate:

Check your previous event.

Go to players and search for the player you are looking for.

Make sure you have the  # column available.

How to get the "#" column visible

Search for player :

Go to your current event.

See how they don't have the same number? So it's not the "same guy".

To fix it:

In your current event :

Go to players,

Select division,

Add old player into your event.

Select both players.

Click on Display more options.

Click on Merge 2 players.

Make the Target, the player from the past year, he's the one that holds all the stats.

Make the current session player, the source.
