Custom value columns are available under players and teams.

Custom Value 1

Custom Value 2

Custom Value 3

Division Custom Value 1

Division Custom Value 2

Division Custom Value 3

Custom Text value

Division Custom Text value

Custom Value is a column available to put any information you want to associate to a player or team in general.

It could be a rating, a note, a phone number, a money amount, basically, if it's numeral, you name it, you can add it.

This custom value can then be used elsewhere, to be used as a handicap, to appear on the stats page, to appear next to the player's name on a bracket. The possibilities are endless.

Division Custom Value is a column available under players and teams, but more specifically associated to a division. So if you want to use the Custom Value for an average for example. You could have an 8 under one division and a 7 under the other.

Custom Text Value is a column used with the same idea but it accepts numbers and letters. This one is good for a rating like A, B, C's

Division Custom Text value, same idea, text is accepted and available to be associated to a specific division.