The "League Fees" feature is a tool to help you manage league related payments. You can configure:
3 types of payments:
Registration fees, Weekly/Match Fees and Sanction fees.
This will allow players to pay their league fees via the CompuSport app. You can accept cash payments, online payments or a combination of both.
Forget about running around to collect envelopes, players can pay online and it will be sent directly into an account you set up.
Easily keep track of payments! (Who paid, how much, when, balance)
No more running after players to get them paid up. They don't pay their player fees, they don't get results.
You can prevent results from a scoresheet to go into the stats if not fully paid up by both teams.
Some players aren't warm on the idea of paying online?! No problem, you can collect the cash, enter it into the system and the money can even be considered Credit to pay their fees throughout the year.
You can choose if players HAVE to pay for their entire team. Or if they can pay individually but also have the option to pay for their team and even the opposing team.
Configure the League Fee feature
You start by Configuring your Fees. Each division can be set with different amounts to be paid.
Registration Fees per divisions.
Sanction Fees per Association with a Forced Payment Date (They can dismiss the sanction fee until a set date, past that date, they must pay to be able to move forward).
Weekly Fees per division. You can choose to make it required in order to be able to see the team stats.
Manage payments
In the Manage Payments section, you can keep track of payments.
(Who paid, how much, when, balance, late fees)
This is also where you can enter fees that have been paid with cash.
How much does it cost to use the League Fee Feature?