You want to make sure you don't didn't create duplicate players. This is a good practice before your tournament starts to ensure you don't have two players that are the same person on your brackets. Or to make sure players get all their stats for leagues.

To check the list of duplicate players:

Go to Merge Duplicate Players (Menu > Manage > Players/Teams > Merge Duplicate Players).

The system starts analyzing by looking for two players with the exact same name. (Percentage of similarity 100)

You can widen that search by putting 80% or 50%., Refresh.

This way the system looks for names that are 50%-80% similar. This helps for duplicates that the name wasn't spelled the exact same way.

1. Click on Target for the player that the spelling is correct.

2. Click on Source for the other players (you can have multiple players that are Sources)

3. Click on Accept Merge.

4. You can do Target/Source to all the players, then click on Merge All. Instead of doing Accept Merge one by one.

Target is the player that will remain.

Source is the information that is being merge into the Target.