To have the Captain phone number show on the schedule:
Go to (Menu > Manage > Event > Event)
1. Select your event.
2. Pencil to Edit.
3. Go to League Section.
4. You must have an operator in order for this feature to work. (If your operator name is not recognized, contact CompuSport at [email protected])
5. Choose which phone number you want to show. (Insert phone number under Players, See Instructions below)
6. Check the box Show Captain Phone Number to Public.
7. Save
Must be Captain and Phone Number information:
1. Go to (Menu > Manage > Players/Teams > Teams)
2. Choose which division to work with.
3. Select the team by clicking on the team once.
4. Check the Capt. box on the roster.
Phone Numbers
1. Go to (Menu > Manage > Players/Teams > Players)
**Player must have the same Operator as selected in Event.
2. Insert the information in the same field you chose in Event (Cell phone or Phone home)
3. Save.