A league costs 3$ per regular player for one full year. We only charge for regular players not subs.
A player is considered regular when he has played 3 or more matches.
A player can play in multiple divisions in your league for 3$ total. (Ex. Monday night league and Wednesday night league, Fall league, winter league under the same event)
The league tools include:
A powerful scheduler;
Customizable stats;
Customizable reports;
Scoresheets filled out online by the manager to automatically update stats;
League schedule, stats, reports online or on the app to access it from anywhere.
All for $3 per player for one full year.
The basic fee of 3$ has a cap fee at 1250$
* We charge for ALL regular players, not just the ones actually using it. We do this to put a fair price to the tool you are using, the time it saves that the players are doing it themselves.